26,27 Nov 2012

Cloud Tools Labs

The Cloud Tools Lab is a hands-on demo, where exhibitors present a tool and participants can also use them. In LatinCloud 2012 we will have both commercial and academic tools.


Cloud Tools Lab 1

Monday, 26/11/2012, 2pm-3:30pm


  • Windows Azure & Visual Studio 2012 (Microsoft)
  • Server Migration to Cloud Environments (IBM)
  • Under Cloud Computing (Under)
  • CloudSystem Matrix - an IaaS HP solution for private and hybrid cloud (HP)

Cloud Tools Lab 2

Tuesday, 27/11/2012, 2pm-3:30pm


  • E2ECloud: End-to-End Service Composition and Execution in the Cloud (UFABC/UFPE)
  • CloudIntegrator: a Tool for Composition of Cloud Computing Services (UFRN/PUC-Rio)
  • JiT Cloud Middleware and Applications (JiT Cloud Project Consortium)
  • HyFS Manager: A Hybrid Flash Slice Manager (UFRGS)