Management Patterns for Smart Grid Resilience

Smith, P.; Schaeffer-Filho, A., “Management Patterns for Smart Grid Resilience”IEEE 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2014), 3rd International Workshop on Cyberpatterns (CyberPatterns 2014). 7-11 April 2014, Oxford, UK, pp. 415-416.

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Abstract: Smart grids are power distribution networks characterised by an increased level of automation of the infrastructure, sensors and actuators connected to monitoring and control centres, and are strongly supported by information and communication technology (ICT). Consequently, smart grids are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In this position paper, we advocate the need for management patterns that capture best-practices for ensuring the resilience of smart grids to cyber-attacks and other related challenges. Management patterns are akin to software design patterns in the sense that patterns promote the use of well-established solutions to recurring problems. These patterns describe how to orchestrate the cyber-physical behaviour of ICT, industrial control systems and human resources in a safe manner, in response to cyber-attacks.